Polnische Historische Mission

Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland, Philosophisches Zentrum (7/U/9)
97074 Würzburg, Deutschland
e-mail: renata.skowronska@uni-wuerzburg.de

Würzburg; foto: Bartłomiej Łyczak

Geschichte im mitteleuropäischen Kontext: Richtlinien

Publishing instructions

Editorial office
Polnische Historische Mission an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, Niemcy
Tel.: +49 931/31-81029, E-Mail: renata.skowronska@uni-wuerzburg.de

The series Geschichte im mitteleuropäischen Kontext accepts articles and texts that have not yet been published before (this also applies to publications on the Internet) and are not offered for printing in other publishing houses or media. Their authors are fully responsible for the content of the article (i.e. for all its parts: text, illustrations, footnotes, bibliography, etc.). Articles are published in German or English, with a short summary in English, keywords and a bibliography. The authors do not receive royalties for the texts published in the series.

Principles for writing a text

When writing your text, follow the page layout and formatting guidelines below. Please do not stray from basic formatting without a clear need – e.g., do not add headings, page numbers, non-standard indentations at the beginning of paragraphs, and do not use special fonts. Texts should be sent as a text file in *.rtf or *.docx format

Article structure

  • Name, affiliation (in the original language), e-mail address, ORCID (full address, e.g. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5322-0125).
  • Title (in bold and centred, also subheadings in bold and centred).
  • Article (footnotes at the bottom of the page – only in abridged form).
  • Abstract (max. 500 characters with spaces).
  • Keywords (max. 5 phrases).
  • Bibliography (divided into: Archival Sources; Printed Sources and Literature). Please use the full bibliographic notation in the bibliography. Please do not translate entries in the bibliography and do not use any abbreviations.
  • Illustrations: each illustration should be given in the form of a separate file with its name, at the end of the article, please put a list of illustrations with the proposed captions (please note that illustrations are published at the end of the article). Captions under illustrations: according to the model for citing publications in the bibliography. Please prepare a description of the content of each illustration, table, graphic, etc. This description(s) will be published under the heading „Alt-Text” as a convenience for e.g. visually impaired people.


  • Font: 12-point Times New Roman.
  • Line spacing: 1.5.
  • Margins: 2.5 cm.
  • Footnote text: 10-point, Times New Roman, single spacing.
  • Do not use automatic hyphenation or special formatting.

General guidelines: text and footnotes

  • Titles: all titles (of articles, books, sources, collective works, journals, projects, archival collections, etc.) should be written in italics (throughout the article: in the text, footnotes, bibliographies, captions under illustrations, charts, etc.).
  • German grammar: please follow the rules of the Duden dictionary.
  • Footnote number: 1. If a footnote refers to the word (group of words) directly preceding it, the footnote number is placed immediately after this word (group of words), before a comma, full stop or other punctuation marks. 2. If a footnote refers to a whole sentence (or several sentences), the number of the footnote is placed after the closing punctuation mark (or several sentences). 3. With quotations, the footnote number is placed after the closing quotation marks.
  • Names of institutions, organizations, etc.: when quoting for the first time, give the full name, without abbreviations. Note: in the case of a translated name, please give the original official name (in the language of the country) in parentheses or a footnote.
  • Abbreviations: generally, please do not use abbreviations in the title and text. Abbreviations may be used in footnotes, for example: i.e., etc., e.g.
  • Quotations from sources and literature: in quotation marks (12-point font in the main text, 10-point font in footnotes) or larger passages (applies only to the main text) without quotation marks in separate paragraphs (11-point font) with an extended left margin (3.5 cm spacing). Please use English quotation marks (do not use, for example, French quotation marks « … »).
  • Phrases (e.g. ad hoc): in italics, without quotation marks.
  • Phrases or words foreign to the text stylistically (e.g. colloquial expressions, some proper names, metaphorical expressions, ironic expressions, etc.): in single quotation marks, e.g. ‘Winterkönig’ Friedrich V.
  • A quote within a quote is marked with single quotation marks: “At the end of his life, John said: ‘I have no regrets.’”
  • Omission of individual fragments in the quote or your own additions: please mark with square brackets, e.g. “The sky […] is blue.” or “This country [Argentina] was really beautiful.”
  • Hyphens and dashes: dates and double names without spaces between the hyphen or dash: Nowak-Kowalska, 1546–1563 (and not: Nowak – Kowalska, 1546-1563).
  • Dash (en dash): in dates and when entering page numbers, please use en dashes –  (key combination: ctrl + -), e.g. 1456–1467, pp. 23–35. In the case of the turn of the year: 1696/1697.
  • Dates: in the text they should be written with the full name of the month, e.g. 4 May 1852. Please use abbreviated dates in footnotes: e.g., 4.5.1852.
  • Numbers up to eleven should be written in words, and in digits from 12 onwards (eleven, 12).
  • Numbers without spaces: 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000.


  • In footnotes, only use the abbreviated notation of printed sources and literature (this also applies to articles from the Internet, e.g. Wikipedia).
  • Indicating printed sources and literature: name of the first author or editor (in the absence of these, only the first words of the title): the first words of the title and possibly the volume/issue number (only if necessary, e.g. in the case of multi-volume publications with the same title), page numbers directly referenced (or note number). Eg. Töppen (ed.): Die Staatsverträge: Akten, 1, No. 95; Hirsch (ed.): Scriptores, 3, pp. 400–401; Neitmann: Die Staatsverträge, pp. 169–170; Górski: Początki reprezentacji, p. 141; Jóźwiak et al.: Wojna Polski i Litwy, p. 86; Kazimierz III Wielki, unpag.
  • In the event of frequent reference to a specific publication or archival source, you are encouraged to use simple and legible abbreviations, e.g. Archiwum Archidiecezji Warmińskiej w Olsztynie: Archiwum Biskupie (further: AAW AB – plain font), sig. II D 35/1; Archiv hlavního města Prahy: Magistrát hlavního města Prahy I., Protokoly sborů městské správy / Knihy, 1787 Protokoly rady (further: APraha Protokoly), sig. 548/5, pp. 15–16.
  • Abbreviations should be used consistently in the article.
  • Please do not translate the names of institutions (e.g. archives, libraries) and the titles of cited sources and publications.
  • Page numbers in the article in English: p. 5, pp. 6–15.
  • With consecutive capitalised citations, Ibidem, pp. 7–9. When the author is repeated: Idem: or Eadem: Die Staatsverträge, pp. 7–9.
  • In footnotes, please list a maximum of one author/editor, e.g. Jóźwiak et al.: Wojna Polski i Litwy, p. 86.
  • Number of pages: please do not use f or ff. Page numbers should be given exactly, e.g. pp. 23–24 or pp. 52–55.


Each article should be accompanied by a short abstract (maximum 500 characters with spaces) in Polish (including the title) and in the language of the article. Abstracts will be published in English (with titles).


  • The topic of the article should be encapsulated in a few phrases (maximum five). Example: egodocuments; manuscripts; memories; early modern culture


  • At the end of the article, there should be a list of all sources and literature that were used when working on the article.
  • The list should be divided into three parts: Archival Sources; Printed Sources; Literature.
  • Each item should end with a full stop.
  • Arrangement: alphabetical, by surname or title (in the absence of authors’ or editors’ names).
  • Names of archives, libraries, etc. and titles of groups (collections), as well as titles of all publications: in the bibliography and footnotes, please use the original language, without translation.
  • In the bibliography, use only the full record (including in the case of repetitions), according to the following formula: surnames of all authors or editors along with first names (if there are none, only the title): title, in: title of collective work/journal, volume/issue number (if applicable), publication date, total page numbers (only for articles). Examples below.
  • In the bibliography and footnotes, separate the names of authors/editors with a slash (not a comma). A sample bibliography entry (with names): Jóźwiak, Sławomir / Kwiatkowski, Krzysztof /  Szweda, Adam / Szybkowski, Sobiesław: Wojna Polski i Litwy z zakonem krzyżackim w latach 1409–1411.
  • In the case of long titles (e.g. old prints and manuscripts), the title may be shortened by using […].
  • Do not include the place where the work was published.
  • Series titles are not given if the volume has a standalone title.
  • Works published in magazines and collective works should be specified with “in:”.
  • Please do not use abbreviations such as “Vol.”, “No.”, only Arabic numerals after the title, before the date of publication, e.g. Czaja, Roman: Gesellschaft und Landesherr im Ordensland Preußen zu Beginn des 15. Jahrhunderts, in: Zapiski Historyczne, 75/4. 2011, pp. 19–31.
  • Texts from the Internet that are not copies of paper publications (in which case, please cite the paper version), please cite as articles, in accordance with the general rules: names of authors or editors (if they are missing, title), title, date of publication and the numbers of pages directly referred to (if given), as well as some necessary additional information: “URL: here enter the address of the website and in parentheses the date this website was accessed (5.5.2010). g.  Kazimierz III Wielki, in: Wikipedia, URL: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazimierz_III_Wielki (2.6.2020);  Sarnowsky Jürgen: Beschreibung des Projekts, in:Virtuelles Preußisches Urkundenbuch, URL: https://www.spaetmittelalter.uni-hamburg.de/Urkundenbuch/beschreibung.html (5.1.2020).
  • For papers written in the Cyrillic alphabet, please use transliteration [in square brackets, add the original notation]. ISO-9 transliteration: http://www.translitteration.com/transliteration/en/russian/iso-9/


  • Full responsibility for illustrations is borne by the author/s: please do not infringe copyright, e.g. you cannot include illustrations, diagrams or drawings without consulting the owner.
  • We do not publish generally available illustrations, e.g. from the Internet.
  • Each illustration should be provided in the form of a separate file with its name, and at the end of the article, please add a list of illustrations. Please note that illustrations are published at the end of the article.
  • Photographs: *.tif, *.jpg or *.psd files with a resolution of not less than 300 dpi [preferably 600 dpi].
  • Graphs – made in Corel Draw or Microsoft Excel (if they had to be edited while working on the text).
  • Illustrations – in the form of *.cdr files (with attached fonts) or contrast + .pdf files.


Archival Sources

  • Archiwum Archidiecezji Warmińskiej w Olsztynie: Archiwum Biskupie, sig. II D 35/1.
  • Archiv der Oberlausitzischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften Görlitz: sig. OLGW XII. 1 and OLGdW A25 (Briefe C. A. v. Schachmanns).
  • Archiv hlavního města Prahy: Magistrát hlavního města Prahy I., Protokoly sborů městské správy / Knihy, 1787 Protokoly rady, sig. 548/5.
  • Archiwum Naszej Przeszłości w Krakowie: Akta dotyczące Prowincji Warszawskiej Księży Misjonarzy (XVIII w.), Cathalogus Missionum in Polonia per presbiteros Congregationis Missionis Varsaviae (ab Anno 1654–1740), sig. 1; Schletz Alfons: Słownik biograficzny Zgromadzenia Księży Misjonarzy 1651–1951, Sign. 1957/1 78/1 (typescript copy).
  • Archiwum Państwowe w Gdańsku: Akta miasta Elbląga, sig. 369,1/ 3006.
  • Archiwum Polskiej Prowincji Zgromadzenia Księży Misjonarzy w Krakowie: Liber Missionum ab Anno quo Alexander Kotovius praesul Vilnensis Missionarios sperabat (1686–1763), (without file number) ; Liber Missionum (pro Domo Leopoliensi ab anno 1748), (without file number); Liber Missionum pro Domo Smiłovicensi (ab anno 1747), (without file number).

Printed Sources

  • Bardili, Johann Wendel: Des Weyland Durchl. Printzens Maximilian Emanuels Hertzogs in Würtemberg […] über ein Schwedisch Dragoner-Regiment Reisen […]. 1730.
  • Hein, Max / Maschke, Erich (eds.): Preußisches Urkundenbuch, 2/1. 1932.
  • Hirsch, Theodor (ed.): Scriptores Rerum Prussicarum. Die Geschichtsquellen der preußischen Vorzeit bis zum Unterg ange der Ordensherrschaft, 3. 1866.
  • Koppmann, Karl (ed.): Hanserecesse. Die Recesse und andere Akten der Hansetage von 1256–1430, 4. 1877.
  • Kozłowska-Budkowa, Zofia et al. (eds.): Joannis Dlugossii Annales seu Cronicae incliti Regni Poloniae, 9: (1300–1370). 1978.
  • Kwiatkowski, Krzysztof: Oryginalne fragmenty kroniki Wiganda von Marburg ‒ opis źródłoznawczy, nowa edycja i polskie tłumaczenie, in: Studia Źródłoznawcze, 59. 2021, pp. 107‒14.
  • Malinowski, Mikołaj (ed.): Stryjkowski Maciej: Kronika polska, litewska, żmódzka i wszystkiej Rusi, 2. 1846.
  • Pelech, Markian (ed.): Nowa księga rachunkowa Starego Miasta Elbląga 1404–1414, 1–2. 1987–1989.
  • Regesten 1423, in: Virtuelles Preußisches Urkundenbuch, URL: https://www.spaetmittelalter.uni-hamburg.de/Urkundenbuch/pub/orden1423.html (2.6.2020), Nr. PrUB, JH I 4208–1423. o.O.
  • Töppen, Max (ed.): Akten der Ständetage Preußens unter der Herrschaft des Deutschen Ordens, 1. 1878.
  • Jasas, Rimantas (ed.): Wigand von Marburg: Naujoji Prūsijos kronika. 1999.


  • Białuński, Grzegorz: Opozycja rycerstwa pruskiego na początku XV wieku, in: Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie, 3. 2010, pp. 247–280.
  • Cordes Albrecht: Lex mercatoria, in: Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte, 3. 2019, Sp. 890902.
  • Czaja, Roman: Das Verhältnis der führenden Schichten der preußischen Großstädte zur Landesherrschaft in vergleichender Sicht im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert, in:  Nowak Zenon Hubert / Czaja Roman (eds.): Der Deutsche Orden in der Zeit der Kalmarer Union 1397–1521. 1999, pp. 75–89.
  • Czaja, Roman: Die Krise der Landesherrschaft. Der Deutsche Orden und die Gesellschaft seines Staates in Preußen in der ersten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts, in: Czaja, Roman / Sarnowsky, Jürgen (eds.): Die Ritterorden in Umbruchs- und Krisenzeiten. 2011, pp. 159–171.
  • Gehrke, Roland: B. Karch: Nation and Loyalty in a German-Polish Borderland, in: H-Soz-Kult, URL: https://www.hsozkult.de/review/id/reb-29231?title=b-karch-nation-and-loyalty-in-a-german-polish-borderland&recno=33&page=2&q=&sort=&fq=&total=17101 (2.6.2020).
  • Górski, Karol: Początki reprezentacji rycerstwa w stanach państwa krzyżackiego w Prusach w XV wieku, in: Zapiski Historyczne, 33/3. 1968, pp. 131–150.
  • Jasiński, Tomasz: Początki Torunia na tle osadnictwa średniowiecznego, in: Zapiski Historyczne, 46/4. 1981, pp. 5–34.
  • Jenks, Stuart: England, die Hanse und Preußen. Handel und Diplomatie 1377–1474, 1–2. 1992.
  • Jóźwiak, Sławomir / Kwiatkowski Krzysztof / Szweda Adam / Szybkowski Sobiesław: Wojna Polski i Litwy z zakonem krzyżackim w latach 1409–1411. 2010.
  • Kajkowski, Kamil / Kuczkowski, Andrzej: Water in pre-Christian beliefs in Pomerania (northern Poland) of the early medieval period, in: Studia Mythologica Slavica, 20. 2017, pp. 15–32.
  • Kazimierz III Wielki, in: Wikipedia, URL: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazimierz_III_Wielki (2.6.2020).
  • Kłaczkow, Jarosław (ed.): Polski protestantyzm w czasach nazizmu i komunizmu. 2009.
  • Kłaczkow, Jarosław (ed.): Społeczność ewangelicka Radomia podczas okupacji hitlerowskiej. 2009.
  • Kłaczkow, Jarosław: Historia parafii ewangelicko-augsburskiej w Radomiu 1826–2009. 2010.
  • Kłaczkow, Jarosław / Zielińska, Agnieszka (eds.): Die Evangelischen in Thorn (16.–20. Jahrhundert). 2014.
  • Misāns, Ilgvars: Riga, Dorpat und Reval im Spannungsfeld zwischen den wendischen und preußischen Städten vom Ende des 14. bis zur Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts, in: Dybaś, Bogusław / Makiłła, Dariusz (eds.): Prusy i Inflanty między średniowieczem a nowożytnością. Państwo, społeczeństwo, kultura. 2003, pp. 29–43.
  • Pelech, Markian: Die Rolle Danzigs unter der preußischen Hansestädten bis 1410, in: Jähnig, Bernhart / Letkemann, Peter (eds.): Danzig in acht Jahrhunderten. Beiträge zur Geschichte eines hansischen und preußischen Mittelpunktes. 1985, pp. 61–76.
  • Sarnowsky, Jürgen: Beschreibung des Projekts, in: Virtuelles Preußisches Urkundenbuch, URL: https://www.spaetmittelalter.uni-hamburg.de/Urkundenbuch/beschreibung.html (5.11.2020).
  • Słomkowski, Jan: Przestrzeń sakralna, in: Zapiski Historyczne, 1. 2020, pp. 55–77.
  • Weymann, Stefan: Cła i drogi handlowe w Polsce piastowskiej. 1938.

Examples of footnote references

Archival sources (full reference, simple abbreviations are recommended for frequent reference)

  • Archiv hlavního města Prahy: Magistrát hlavního města Prahy I., Protokoly sborů městské správy / Knihy, 1787 Protokoly rady (further: AP Protokoly), sig. 548/5, fol. 5.
  • Archiwum Archidiecezji Warmińskiej w Olsztynie: Archiwum Biskupie (further: AAW AB), sig. II D 35/1, fol. 89.
  • Archiwum Państwowe w Gdańsku: Akta miasta Elbląga (further: AG E), sig. 369,1/ 3006.
  • Archiwum Naszej Przeszłości w Krakowie (further: ANP): Akta dotyczące Prowincji Warszawskiej Księży Misjonarzy [XVIII w.], Cathalogus Missionum in Polonia per presbiteros Congregationis Missionis Varsaviae (ab Anno 1654–1740), sig. 1.; ANP, Sign. 78/1, Schletz 1957, [unpag.].
  • Archiwum Polskiej Prowincji Zgromadzenia Księży Misjonarzy w Krakowie (further: APP): Liber Missionum ab Anno quo Alexander Kotovius praesul Vilnensis Missionarios sperabat [1686–1763], (without file number); APP, Liber Missionum [pro Domo Leopoliensi ab anno 1748], (without file number), p. 87; APP, Liber Missionum pro Domo Smiłovicensi (ab anno 1747), (without file number), p. 56.

Printed Sources

  • Bardili: Des Weyland, p. 55.
  • Hein et al. (eds.): Preußisches, 2/1, No. 175.
  • Hirsch (ed.): Scriptores Rerum Prussicarum, 3, No. 156.
  • Jasas (ed.): Wigand von Marburg: Naujoji Prūsijos, p. 45.
  • Koppmann (ed.): Hanserecesse, 4, pp. 178–179.
  • Kozłowska-Budkowa et al. (eds.): Joannis Dlugossii Annales, 9, p. 75.
  • Kwiatkowski: Oryginalne fragmenty, p. 110.
  • Malinowski (ed.): Stryjkowski Maciej: Kronika polska, 2, p. 74.
  • Pelech (ed.): Nowa księga, 1, p. 45.
  • Regesten 1423, No. PrUB, JH I 4208–1423.
  • Töppen (ed.): Akten, 1, No. 785.
  • Ustawa z dnia 20 stycznia 1920 r., Art. 9.


  • Białuński: Opozycja, p. 247.
  • Cordes: Lex mercatoria, Sp. 890902.
  • Czaja: Das Verhältnis, p. 76.
  • Idem: Die Krise, pp. 159–171.
  • Gehrke: B. Karch, unpag.
  • Górski: Początki reprezentacji, p. 132.
  • Hirsch: Scriptores, p. 88.
  • Jasiński: Początki Torunia, p. 6.
  • Jenks: England, 1, p. 78.
  • Jóźwiak et al.: Wojna (further: Wojna), p. 49.
  • Kajkowski et al.: Water, p. 16.
  • Kazimierz III Wielki, unpag.
  • Kłaczkow (ed.): Polski protestantyzm, pp. 55–56.
  • Idem (ed.): Społeczność, p. 88.
  • Idem: Historia, p. 78.
  • Idem. et al. (ed.): Die Evangelischen, p. 89.
  • Misāns: Riga, Dorpat, pp. 41–42.
  • Pelech: Die Rolle Danzigs, pp. 62–63.
  • Sarnowsky: Beschreibung, unpag.
  • Słomkowski: Przestrzeń, p. 55.
  • Weymann: Cła, p. 8.